I simply began: above/ground press at 20

[an interview with rob mclennan]

ISBN 978-1-926889-13-9

8.5×7, 28pp, /50, $10.00

Purchase book here.

In August 2013, rob mclennan’s Ottawa-based above/ground press will celebrate its twentieth anniversary. This is a remarkable achievement for any small press activity, but seems particularly notable for a press as ambitious and active as above/ground. rob’s work with the press is marked by a seemingly bottomless work ethic, a tireless output, and a staggeringly broad range of interests and aesthetics. At the time of going to print with this interview, above/ground has just published item #685 (with likely another small handful of items appearing by the time this interview is actually in your hands, reader). Bearing in mind that above/ground produces print runs between 200 and 1000 copies depending on the item,  there are several hundred thousand pieces of paper across Canada (and elsewhere) bearing the familiar “above/ground press c/o rob mclennan rr#1 maxville ontario k0c 1t0” mark. This high visibility (at least as far as small press goes) underscores  the ambition of the name “above/ground.” To celebrate the achievements of above/ground press, and to interrogate the still-active practices, ambitions,  and frustrations of the press, Apt. 9 conducted this interview between May 2013 and July  2013.

Non-Fiction (August 2013)

aboveground interview chapbook


19 August 2013 | “Celebrating 20 years of poetry with above/ground press” at Apt. 613

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